7th March 2024

PaddingtonNow Annual Billing Leaflet 2024-2025

We are pleased to present the PaddingtonNow Annual Billing leaflet for the fiscal year 2024-25, highlighting our achievements and outlining plans for the year ahead. In response to the ever-evolving landscape, we remain committed to bringing businesses together and providing platforms to encourage the enrichment of our community.

Highlights from the past year include The Table of Wild Love and Paparazzi Dogs art installations, along with the launch of the Paddington Podcast, a window into the lives of the many individuals who shape this vibrant area.

The BID implemented a new incident recording and secure messaging system called SentrySIS Connect Live, significantly improving incident tracking and response capabilities on a day-to-day basis regarding safety in the area.

The formation of the Paddington Private Security Alliance unites security teams from major developments in the area to enhance communication and intelligence sharing and keep businesses safer. Additionally, Pub Watch was reinstated, strengthening community ties for a safer night-time environment.

As part of our subsidised recycling service and partnership with First Mile, we introduced electric assisted cargo collection bikes to Paddington significantly improving air quality and traffic congestion in the area.

Looking ahead, we remain focused on driving positive change and fostering a thriving Paddington. We are confident that through collaboration and innovation, we will navigate challenges and continue to elevate our community.

Click here to read more and find out our plans for the coming year.