We believe businesses are stronger together, that a collective voice speaks louder, giving us the power to make changes for the better. From new developments to street infrastructure and public realm projects, your views need to be heard, and we welcome your input. We provide a forum for businesses to raise and discuss issues or concerns and we are continuously lobbying on your behalf.

- We lobby local, regional and national government on issues that affect businesses.
- We liaise with developers and local authorities on new developments, street infrastructure and public realm projects.
- We provide a forum for businesses to raise and discuss issues or concerns.
We champion your voice in regard to major development proposals, highway schemes and transport strategy. - We participate in economic development and business support initiatives such as
the Westminster Hospitality and Leisure Recruitment Scheme and Business Energy Audit Scheme. - We continue working in partnership with the Westminster Investment Service to attract and support new business occupiers into the area.
- We continue our involvement with Hyde Park Paddington Neighbourhood Forum to work towards a Neighbourhood Plan.
- We support businesses with planning applications and enforcements.