26th June 2018

Sparrow Boxes to Improve Bio-Diversity in Paddington

In an effort to improve bio-diversity and the environment, PaddingtonNow BID has worked in collaboration with Westminster Council, Continental Landscapes and local volunteers to install eight sparrow boxes in Norfolk Square Gardens. The BID has bought 30 boxes in total and Talbot Square and the Sussex Gardens triangle will also benefit shortly.

The sparrow has come under threat due to diminished nesting options. British sparrows prefer to nest in crevices within buildings; but in an effort to retain heat and save energy, crevices are increasingly being filled and repaired by occupiers. Roofing maintenance, loft insulation and building renovations are unknowingly reducing the number of nesting options for birds.

Experts from the British Trust of Ornithology advise that sparrows take to bird boxes if their usual nest options are not available.

Enhancing and improving the environment is a top priority for the BID highlighted by our London in Bloom Awards and Britain in Bloom nominations this year.